Bourg d'Oueil, Le Mourtis, Luchon-Superbagnères

Accidents on the slopes: good practice

What are the best practices to adopt in the event of accidents on the ski slopes? Mountain holidays are often synonymous with skiing, a very popular activity. However, this practice carries its share of risks. These accidents on the slopes can occur due to various factors such as inattention, excessive speed, the presence of beginners on the slopes, fatigue, and many others. In this article, we’ll give you some valuable advice on how to provide effective assistance to a victim on the ski slopes and how to adopt the right reflexes when faced with this situation. We will also remind you of the 10 rules of skiing because even in the mountains, respecting the rules of conduct is essential. Finally, we will explain how to interpret ski slope signage.

Rest assured, take out insurance!

It’s vital not to underestimate the importance of ski insurance when you’re in the mountains. Investing a few extra euros in insurance can give you invaluable peace of mind. In the event of an accident on the slopes, it provides you with specific cover for skiing and snowboarding, and reduces or waives costs. For more information on our ski insurance, please click on the link below and find out how to protect yourself effectively on your next adventure on the slopes.


  1. Ensuring Zone Security

In the event of an accident on a ski run, the priority is to ensure the safety of both the victim and other skiers. The aim is to avoid any over-accident, to minimise any worsening of the victim’s injuries, and to prevent any risk to yourself.

A simple way to warn other skiers to slow down and take care when approaching the accident area is to plant your skis crosswise in the snow upstream of the accident area.

If possible, ask another skier to stay close to the skis to signal that a rescue operation is in progress, particularly in low-visibility areas.

Then check the injured person’s state of health if they are able to speak, or place them in the lateral safety position if they are unconscious.

appel d'urgence en cas de secours
  1. Alerting and preventing emergencies

Gather Essential Information

To alert emergency services in the most effective way, start by gathering crucial information:

– Precise location: name of track, number of nearest beacon. These markers are installed along the slopes.

– Victim’s identity: surname, first name, gender and age, if possible.

– Description of the pain and circumstances of the accident: if you are not a direct witness, ask other witnesses.

Call the emergency services at the ski resort where you are staying and report the accident. The number of the emergency services is available on the piste maps and on our mobile application “Haute-Garonne montagne” an S.O.S button allows you to locate yourself and call us. Note that this number may vary from station to station.

If you don’t have a phone or a network, ask another skier to go to the start of a ski lift to alert a resort official, providing as much information as possible.

intervention des pisteurs secouriste de superbagnères
  1. Intervention – The role of trackers

While waiting for help to arrive, stay with the victim and continue to ensure his safety to avoid any further risk. Do not attempt to move the victim, but protect them from the cold. The body can cool rapidly on contact with snow, even in good weather. Use your ski jacket or a survival blanket if you have one.

Once help has arrived, stay close to the area. Rescue workers may need to interview you as a witness.

Do not leave the premises until you have been given permission to leave.

Preventing skiing accidents by being prepared and informed:

Prepare your body several weeks in advance by training to build up your stamina and improve your general fitness through activities such as walking, swimming or cycling.

Once you’re there, finalise your preparations by carrying a map of the ski resort’s pistes in your pocket or on your mobile phone. Make sure you have a hydrating drink to hand. Before hitting the slopes, check the weather forecast for the day and the opening and closing times of the slopes and ski lifts. Take the time to warm up before your first run and choose a slope suited to your level of skiing.

On the slopes, be aware of other skiers to ensure everyone has fun. If you feel a drop in energy during the day, take a break. It’s better to stop and admire the scenery than risk an accident.

Article Starting to ski


Skiing accidents can be prevented by adopting the right rules of conduct in the mountains and preparing properly before your holiday.

  1. Respect for others
    Users of the slopes must behave in such a way as not to endanger or harm others, either through their behaviour or their equipment.
  2. Controlling speed and behaviour
    All users of the slopes must adapt their speed and behaviour to their personal abilities, as well as to the general terrain and weather conditions, snow conditions and traffic density.
  3. Steering control
    The person upstream is in a position to choose a trajectory; he must therefore make this choice in such a way as to protect the safety of anyone downstream.
  4. overtaking
    You can overtake from the front or the back, from the right or the left; but you must always overtake wide enough to prevent the person you are overtaking from moving.
  5. At track crossings or on departure
    After stopping or at a track junction, all users must check upstream and downstream to ensure that they can proceed without danger to themselves or others.
  6. Parking
    All users must avoid parking in narrow or blind passages; in the event of a fall, they must clear the track as quickly as possible.
  7. Ascent and descent on foot
    Anyone who has to walk up or down a piste must use the edge of the piste, taking care to ensure that neither he nor his equipment is a danger to others.
  8. Respecting markings and signs
    Users must take into account information on weather conditions, slope conditions and snow conditions. They must respect the signs and markings.
  9. Support
    Anyone witnessing or involved in an accident must provide assistance, in particular by sounding the alarm. If necessary, and at the request of first aiders, she must make herself available to them.
  10. Identification
    Any skier or snowboarder who is a witness to or party to an accident, whether or not responsible for it, is obliged to reveal his or her identity.


How to read information on a ski run

Presentation of how to set up a runway safety system


The tags

The beacons, recognisable by their traditionally round shape, are placed along the ski runs, either on poles or on snow mats. Each track has its own name, which makes it easier to follow your route by ensuring that the beacons always have the same name as the track.

What’s more, each beacon has its own number. This number tells you how many beacons you still have to pass before you reach the end of the track.

If you see the number 1, it means you’re near the end of the track. On the other hand, a higher number indicates that you still have a certain number of beacons to pass before reaching the end of the trail.

The beacon number is an indicator of the length of the piste and also serves as a landmark for skiers.

What’s more, the markers are coloured according to the difficulty of the route.

emergency beacon for ski resorts


Milestones are simple stakes driven into the snow along the tracks, displaying the colour of the track you are following. For example, blue milestones line a blue track.

The milestone on the left shows the colour of the track from the bottom to the top, while the one on the right can be recognised by its orange top.

These markers are particularly useful in dense fog. When the snow is heavy and the fog dense, it becomes almost impossible to find your way around. All visual reference points disappear, and it’s not uncommon for skiers to get lost, even just a few metres from the slopes.

Black and yellow markers also indicate potential hazards. For example, they can indicate the presence of exposed stones on the track, patches of ice or rocky bars nearby. These hazards are clearly marked on and around the pistes.

However, new hazards may emerge as the day progresses, after the trackers responsible for marking the route have passed through. The sudden presence of stones or ice is quite common.

Markers to delimit ski slopes in the colour of the difficulty of the slopes

It is therefore important to remain vigilant. Although markings, milestones and signs contribute to your safety, you are in the best position to identify hazards, particularly in changing or unstable weather conditions.

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1 jour 35€
1 Jour Baby- 5 ans ou Sénior +70 ans 10€
3 heures 29€
2 jours flexibles non consécutifs (ou pas 😍) 66€
1 A/R Piéton 10.50€
1 A/R Piéton Baby- 5 ans ou Sénior +70 ans 5€
Saison Superbagnères + Mourtis + Bourg d'Oueil 575€
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Le Mourtis
1 jour 29€
1 jour Baby -5 ans ou Sénior +70 ans 10€
2 jours flexibles non consécutifs (ou pas 😍) 55.50€
Saison Mourtis 300€
Saison Superbagnères + Mourtis + Bourg d'Oueil 575€
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