Legal information

C.G.V.U. & C.P.V.D.


transport permits for mechanical lifts

Régie des Stations de Haute Garonne – Winter Season 2023/2024


CGVU-CPVD of the ski areas of Luchon Superbagnères, Le Mourtis and Bourg d’Oueil, managed by :

REGIE DES STATIONS DE HAUTE GARONNE hereinafter referred to as the Operator.

Siret : 200 081 875 00029

N° de TVA Intracommunautaire : FR 34200081875

Code APE : 4939C

Domicile Hôtel du Département, 1 Boulevard de la Marquette, 31000 TOULOUSE

Email :

Postal address:

Régie des stations Haute Garonne Montagne

76 Avenue Jean Jaurès


Professional liability insurance: AXA- Cabinet CLAVERE THALAMAS

Geographic coverage of the policy: worldwide, excluding risks arising from permanent establishments outside France, the Principality of Monaco or the Valleys of Andorra.

Numéro ORIAS : 20000908




These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (GTCS) apply exclusively to natural persons who are consumers within the meaning of the first article of the French Consumer Code and who have purchased their Tickets directly from the sales outlets of the “Régie des Stations de la Haute Garonne” giving access to the ski areas of Luchon Superbagnères, Le Mourtis and Bourg d’Oueil managed by the operator.


The purchase of a ticket implies that the person concerned (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”) is aware of and accepts these General Terms and Conditions of Sale in their entirety, without prejudice to the usual means of recourse.


These General Terms and Conditions are supplemented by the General Terms and Conditions of Use for Ski Lift Passes.


For online purchases (website), the Special Conditions of Distance Selling (CPVD) can be consulted on the website and on the application.

In the absence of any provision herein, such provision shall be deemed to be governed by current practice in the ski lift sector for companies having their registered office in France.


The characteristics of the various packages (consisting of the travel card and the media as defined in article 1.1 of these conditions) offered for sale (geographical area, period of validity, etc.) and all the public fares for these packages are displayed at the operator’s reception and sales points and can also be consulted on the website.


Prices are given in euros and include all taxes, taking into account the French VAT rate of 10% in force since 1 January 2014.

The operator reserves the right to modify its prices in the event of a change in the VAT applicable to ski lift tickets.


Contractual information is presented in French.

These conditions apply exclusively to non-trading individuals.


It is the customer’s responsibility to find out about the products and prices offered by the operator and to select the most suitable. The “Régie des Stations de Haute Garonne” cannot be held responsible for the customer’s choice.



Customers are advised to take out insurance to cover the risks associated with winter sports (accidents, illness, etc.).

The “Régie des Stations de Haute Garonne”, in its capacity as an Insurance Intermediary, is offering an “Assur’Glisse” insurance policy, in addition to the purchase of a ticket.

This contract is subject to the terms and conditions of insurance available from the “Régie des Stations de Haute Garonne” sales outlets or can be viewed and downloaded directly from the website:

It is the customer’s responsibility whether or not to take out this insurance (expressed per day and per person).





The PACKAGE: The package consists of a rigid or flexible medium called a “Skicard”, which can be refilled, on which a Ticket is recorded.

Information relating to the validity of the Voucher and recorded on the medium has no contractual value.

Only the information contained in the chip on the support is authentic.
In the case of a pedestrian pass, this may also be a ticket-type medium.


All Tickets are valid for the current season only and cannot be carried over to another season.


For “undated” Securities, the 1st day of use is not specified. For these Vouchers, the number of days is counted, consecutively or non-consecutively, depending on the product chosen, from the first visit to the first terminal and whatever the time of the first visit.


For the “3 hours“, the number of hours is counted without interruption, consecutively from the first passage through the first terminal of the ski lifts in the resorts, excluding the valley lift.

If the time credit has not been used up by the time the ski lifts close for the day, it will not be carried over to a later day, nor will it be refunded or exchanged.


For the ” season “the period of validity is fixed for the winter season, with a minimum of 30 days of “guaranteed skiing” over the said season, it being specified that the 30 days of guaranteed skiing start to count from the first day of the effective opening of the winter season.


A “guaranteed ski day” is considered to have been acquired when the two following conditions are met simultaneously on a given day:

  • No interruption of the ski lift service for more than 5 hours.
  • And the opening of at least 10% of the ski lifts in the ski area to which the Pass gives access during the winter season as defined below

The “winter season” refers to the period between the official opening date of the ski lifts in the Luchon Superbagnères, Le Mourtis and Bourg d’Oueil ski areas and their official closing date.



Tickets can be bought or recharged either at a point of sale or via the online sales site


No new Ticket may be registered until the Ticket initially encoded on this Medium has been used up. Failing this, the initial Ticket will be irretrievably cancelled, without the Customer being able to claim any compensation whatsoever.




All public transport fares are displayed at the various sales and reception points of the “Régie des Stations de Haute Garonne” and can be consulted on the website


These prices are expressed in euros and include all taxes, taking into account the VAT rate in force on the day of purchase, and may be modified in the event of changes in the applicable taxes.


Discounts are offered to different categories of people according to the terms and conditions available at the points of sale and on presentation, at the time of purchase, of documents justifying the price advantage. They cannot be combined with any other current offer or promotion.


No photocopies of supporting documents will be accepted. No discount will be granted after purchase.

A copy of the receipt will be made and sent to the revenue manager for checking.


The categories of customers to be taken into account are :

  • Baby – 5 years
  • All ages: 5 to 64 inclusive
  • Seniors: aged 65 to 74 inclusive
  • Sénior +: from age 75


MANDATORY presentation of a valid identity card or any other proof of age on the day of purchase.


The package is strictly personal and may not be transferred by a consumer once they have benefited from a preferential rate.

Proof of reduction is kept by the “Régie des stations Haute Garonne Montagne” in accordance with the provisions of article 9. Customers may exercise their rights with regard to this data in accordance with the provisions of article 9.


Customers purchasing their packages directly from a third party, other than the operator, must refer to the specific conditions established with the organisation.


A recent passport-size photograph of the full face, without sunglasses or headgear, is required for the sale of season passes.

This photograph will be kept by the operator in its computerised ticketing system, to facilitate any recharging or reissuing of the ticket, in accordance with the provisions of article 10.

Customers may exercise their rights in respect of such data in accordance with the provisions of article 10.



In accordance with article L541-15-10 of the Environment Code, proof of payment will no longer be systematically printed but will be sent electronically.

At the customer’s request, a receipt can be printed out or sent to an e-mail address provided by the customer.

It is the customer’s responsibility to provide a valid e-mail address from which they can retrieve, if necessary, their proof of sale and present it in support of any request for a duplicate or claim.



Payments are made in euros:

– In cash up to the regulatory limit (see articles L112-6 and D112-3 of the French Monetary and Financial Code).

– By Visa or Eurocard Master Card.

– By valid holiday vouchers issued by ANCV, without change. No amount over and above the sale price may be paid in ANCV.

– Or by cheque drawn on a bank account opened in France and made payable to the Trésor Public.


If the tickets issued are not used or are completely sold out, they cannot be reimbursed or exchanged.

In addition, no refunds will be made in the event of illness, bad weather or any other personal reason, whatever the duration of validity of the package.


An insurance service can cover this risk and useful information can be obtained by visiting:





In the case of valid Season Tickets: only a closure of the lifts to which the Ticket gives access, which does not allow “Guaranteed Skiing” as defined in article 1, will result in compensation calculated as follows:

Pro rata temporis, if less than 30 days open: Refund at 30th of the product X by the number of missing days over the “30-day” reference period.



In the event of an interruption to the ski lift service, holders of a valid ski pass may be offered, at the end of their 6-day stay, “compensation” for the damage suffered, only in the event of a complete and consecutive stoppage of 90% of the ski lifts to which the pass gives access and for a period of more than 5 hours.


The holder of a ski pass valid during the period of the damage may be entitled to compensation after presentation of supporting documents in the form of either a deferment or a deferred reimbursement calculated on the following basis:

Average price = price paid by the customer divided by the duration of the package

Reimbursement = average price X number of days of damage

The customer must make a request as described in article 5-1 and may not claim any sum or service in excess of this flat-rate compensation.



In all cases, only Tickets that have been purchased and paid for directly by the Customer to the “Régie des Stations de Haute Garonne” may give rise to compensation.

Otherwise, please refer to the General Terms and Conditions of Sale of the entity that sold the Security.



Any complaint must be sent to the operator within 1 month of the occurrence of the event giving rise to the complaint, without prejudice to the legal channels and time limits for taking legal action, directly to the sales and/or reception points of the stations, by e-mail to the address ” ré or at the following address

Régie des stations de Haute Garonne – 76 Avenue Jean Jaurès, 31110 LUCHON.

Claim forms are processed within 3 months of receipt.


The operator cannot be held responsible for the weather conditions encountered when using the ticket. It is the responsibility of each customer to check the weather and visibility conditions.



In the absence of a satisfactory response, the consumer may refer the matter to the Tourism and Travel Ombudsman, within a maximum period of 1 year from the date of his written complaint, whose contact details and procedures can be obtained by consulting his website :


The mediator’s opinion is not binding on the parties to the contract. Failing an amicable settlement, the dispute may be brought before the competent courts.



The Customer does not acquire any right of ownership or use and may not use the names, signs, emblems, logos, trademarks, copyright and other signs or other literary, artistic or industrial property rights of the Régie des stations de Haute Garonne.




As part of the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the General Terms and Conditions for the sale of Lift Passes have been updated in accordance with the new European directives on confidentiality.

The Customer is informed and accepts that when they purchase a Pass, “la Régie des stations de Haute Garonne” stores, processes, records and uses the Customer’s personal data in compliance with the regulations applicable to personal data, in particular the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 as amended by Act no. 2018-493 of 20 June 2018 on the protection of personal data resulting from the European General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data.

The collection and processing of this data is necessary for the purposes of executing the contract, managing the Customer relationship and improving the services offered, and has the legal basis of executing the contract.

Each form indicates whether personal data is mandatory.

If one or more compulsory items of information are missing, the Card will not be issued.

Unless the Customer objects, the personal data collected in this way may also be used by “la Régie des stations de Haute Garonne” for electronic commercial prospecting purposes, for products and services similar to those covered by the contract.

Subject to having obtained the Customer’s prior and express agreement, the necessary data may also be used by “la Régie des stations de Haute Garonne” for the purposes of commercial prospecting and/or information on the Operator’s activity by electronic means.


The legal basis for processing will then be the Customer’s consent, which may be withdrawn at any time.

The Customer acknowledges and accepts that data relating to his/her movements on the ski runs may also be collected for the purposes of managing access to ski lifts, checking Tickets and, where applicable, searching for missing persons.

In this case, the legal basis for processing is, depending on the case, the performance of the contract, the legitimate interests of “la Régie des stations de Haute Garonne” and the vital interests of the individual.

The data collected may be used for statistical purposes, after being anonymized.

This information is strictly confidential and is only intended for use by the relevant departments of the “Régie des stations de Haute Garonne” (in particular the ticketing department, the accounts department, the marketing and communication department, the reception and control department and the management).

Consequently, it will not be passed on to any third party, with the exception of sub-contractors of “la Régie des stations de Haute Garonne” for exclusively technical reasons or in the event that such communication is required by law, a regulatory provision or a court decision.

In order to preserve the confidentiality and security of personal data and in particular to protect them against unlawful or accidental destruction, accidental loss or alteration, or unauthorised disclosure or access, “la Régie des stations Haute Garonne Montagne” takes the appropriate technical and organisational measures, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

To this end, it has put in place technical measures (such as firewalls) and organisational measures (such as an ID/password system, physical protection, etc.). The data collected in this way is kept for a maximum of 5 years from the end of the validity of the Card.

Customers have the right to access, rectify, delete and port their data, the right to limit processing, the right to object to processing, the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority and the right to give instructions on what to do with their data after their death.

They may exercise their rights by writing to the following address

Régie des stations Haute Garonne Montagne

76 Avenue Jean Jaurès


In the interests of confidentiality and the protection of personal data, “la Régie des stations Haute Garonne Montagne” must be able to verify the identity of the Customer in order to respond to his/her request.

In order to do this, the Customer must enclose, in support of any request to exercise the rights mentioned above, a photocopy of an identity document mentioning the Customer’s date and place of birth and bearing the Customer’s signature, in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, known as the “Data Protection Act”, Article 92 of the Decree of 20 October 2005 implementing this law, and European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

The Customer is informed of the existence of the “Bloctel” telephone anti-solicitation list, on which they can register here:


Finally, the Customer has the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL if they feel that their rights have not been respected. The CNIL’s contact details are as follows: Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés, 3 place de Fontenoy, TSA 80715, 75334 Paris Cedex 07, France – Tel. Phone: +33 (0)1 53 73 22 22 – Fax: +33 (0)1 53 73 22 00 – Website: Article 11 – Translation and applicable law – dispute resolution.

If these GTC are drawn up in several languages, it is expressly understood that the French version of these GTC is the only authentic version.

Consequently, in the event of any difficulty in interpreting or applying any of the provisions of these GCS, express reference should be made exclusively to the French version.

Both the interpretation and implementation of these GCS are governed by French law. In accordance with the provisions of article L 211-3 of the French Consumer Code, in the event of a dispute relating to the validity, interpretation or performance of these terms and conditions, the Customer may have recourse, free of charge, to a conventional mediation procedure or any other alternative dispute resolution method.

The Customer is informed of the possibility of recourse to a mediation procedure with the Tourism and Travel Ombudsman (MTV Médiation Tourisme Voyage, BP 80 303, 75 823 Paris Cedex 17) in accordance with the procedures set out on the website and within a maximum period of one (1) year from the date of the written complaint submitted to “la Régie des stations Haute Garonne Montagne”.

l peut également recourir à la plateforme européenne de règlement des litiges, accessible sur internet à l’adresse suivante : ou saisir le médiateur européen, 1 avenue du Président Robert Schuman, CS 30403, F-67001 Strasbourg Cedex, Tél. :+33 (0)3 88 17 23 13. The opinion given by the mediator(s) is not binding on the parties to the contract.

Failing amicable settlement, the dispute will be brought before the competent court in accordance with the law in force.





Haute-Garonne Montagne, Superbagnères, Le Mourtis, Bourg d’Oueil


The present General Conditions of Use (hereinafter referred to as the “GCU”) govern the use of the ski lift facilities offered by the ski resorts of Haute-Garonne Montagne (hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”). By using the Operator’s facilities and services, you accept these GCU fully and without reservation. Please read them carefully before use.


1. Access and use

1.1. Accès aux Installations : L’accès aux remontées mécaniques est soumis à l’achat d’un forfait approprié et aux règles de sécurité en vigueur.


1.2. Responsible use: Users are required to comply with the rules of safety, ethics and behaviour laid down by the Operator. Any behaviour that is harmful, dangerous or disrespectful to staff, other users or the environment may result in disciplinary action or even expulsion by the Operator.


1.3. Physical conditions: Users must be aware of the physical requirements associated with the Operator’s activities. Physical conditions: Users must be aware of the physical demands of the operator’s activities.

2. Responsibilities and safety

2.1. Operator’s responsibility : The Operator implements safety measures to minimise risks. However, users recognise that the practice of outdoor sports involves inherent risks and assume their own responsibility in using the facilities.


2.2. Insurance: All users are advised to take out insurance to cover accidents and damage that may occur while using the facilities.


2.3. Personal equipment: Users are responsible for their own equipment and must ensure that it is in good condition and suitable for the chosen activity.

3. Modifications to the GTCU

The Operator reserves the right to modify these GCU at any time. Users will be informed of changes via the Operator’s website or by any other means deemed appropriate. Users are responsible for regularly consulting the updated Terms and Conditions.

4. Securities control

Each voucher, issued on a medium, can be used for a predetermined period of validity and age category. Information relating to the validity of the Voucher and recorded on the medium has no contractual value. Only the information contained in the chip on the support is authentic.

All Tickets entitle the holder, during their period of validity, to free circulation on the ski lifts in the ski area for which they have been issued, without any priority whatsoever.

The area of validity of the Pass is defined on the piste map for the winter season concerned and during the ski lift opening periods as displayed at the Operator’s points of sale and/or at the departure of the ski lifts, subject to weather and snow conditions.

The Pass (accompanied by proof of sale) must be kept by the User throughout the journey on each ski lift, from the departure area to the arrival area, so that it can be detected by an automatic control system or presented to any of the Operator’s controllers.

In the event of the absence of a Ticket, or the use of an invalid Ticket, or failure to comply with the police regulations posted at the start of the ski lifts, duly noted by a sworn inspector of the Operator, the offender may regularise his situation by the immediate payment, by way of compromise, of a fixed indemnity which will be added to any sum due in respect of transport.

This lump-sum compensation may be up to five (5) times the value of the daily ticket, as provided for by the applicable regulations. (Articles L342-15, R342-19 and R342-20 of the Tourism Code and Articles 529-3 et seq. of the Code of Criminal Procedure).

Ticket inspectors may ask for the presentation of any documents justifying the fare advantages granted to a User holding a reduced or free Ticket.

If payment is not made immediately, sworn inspectors are empowered to note the identity and address of the offender.

If the offender refuses or is unable to prove his identity, the sworn inspector will immediately report the matter to any police officer of the national police force or the national gendarmerie with territorial jurisdiction, who may then immediately order the offender to be brought before him.

The procedure provided for in the previous paragraph is terminated immediately if the offender pays all the sums due under the settlement. A receipt for lump-sum compensation is then issued.

If payment is not made within the legal time limit and no protest is lodged, the offender will be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of article 529-5 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Finally, any fraudulent use of a Ticket (expired, falsified, counterfeit, nominative Ticket used by a third party, etc.) will result in its immediate withdrawal and, if necessary, the opening of legal proceedings.

5. Defects in security supports

Instructions for use: To facilitate the transmission of encoded information when passing through the checkpoints, the ticket should be worn on the left-hand side and preferably away from mobile phones, keys and any form of packaging made wholly or partly of aluminium.

This support must not be folded, perforated or placed near a source of heat.

In the event of malfunction or technical failure of the media, the Operator will, at its own expense, replace the media against and from the date of return of the media to one of the Operator’s sales outlets.

However, if, after verification, the defect is attributable to the User (e.g. failure to comply with the instructions for use), the Operator will invoice the User for the processing costs set out in article 4.

6. Loss or theft of media

In the event of loss or theft of a Ticket, the User may obtain a duplicate from the Operator, subject to meeting the following conditions:

Declaration of loss and information to be provided :

For Users who have purchased and paid for their Pass directly with the Operator. The holder must provide proof of sale (receipt given by the Operator when the Ticket is collected on site or a copy of the order confirmation in the case of online payment) to support the request for a duplicate.

To obtain a duplicate, the User must also pay the cost of replacing the medium, which is set out in the current price list.

Any Pass reported lost or stolen by the User to the Operator will be deactivated by the Operator and will no longer give access to the ski area.

Subject to the usual checks, on the same day that the declaration of loss/theft is handed in at one of the Operator’s points of sale before closing time, the User may collect a duplicate from this point of sale (for the remaining duration of the Ticket).

Any Ticket for which the information required to issue a duplicate cannot be provided by the User, without any possible recourse against the Operator.

7. Compliance with safety rules

All Users are obliged to respect the safety rules relating to transport by ski lifts, in particular the police regulations displayed at the start of the ski lifts, the pictograms supplementing them and all instructions given by the Operator’s staff, on pain of penalty.

The same applies to compliance with the municipal by-law on safety on ski slopes, and it is recommended that they take account of the “10 rules of good conduct for users of ski slopes” published by the International Ski Federation (FIS).

The User and/or those accompanying him/her must familiarise themselves with the conditions of access (e.g. minimum age and/or height) and the safety rules relating to the Activities (e.g. municipal by-laws, regulations), which are displayed at the points of sale and/or at the start of the Activities and/or on the Website, in order to assess their suitability to take part in the Activities.

ondes) Français Anglais The User is required to respect the said conditions and rules, the pictograms supplementing them, as well as all safety instructions given by the Operator’s staff, under penalty of refusal of access and/or sanction.

NB: Minors are placed under the responsibility of their parents or persons to whom they have entrusted their care.





Régie des Stations de Haute Garonne – Winter Season 2023/2024


Luchon Superbagnères, Le Mourtis and Bourg d’Oueil ski areas, managed by :

RÉGIE DES STATIONS DE HAUTE GARONNE hereinafter referred to as the Operator.


Siret : 200 081 875 00029

N° de TVA Intracommunautaire : FR 34200081875

Code APE : 4939C

Domicile Hôtel du Département, 1 Boulevard de la Marquette, 31000 TOULOUSE

Email :

  • Luchon Superbagnères:
  • Le Mourtis :
  • Bourg d’Oueil :
  • Tél : / Fax :

Postal address:

Régie des stations Haute Garonne Montagne

76 Avenue Jean Jaurès


Professional liability insurance: AXA- Cabinet CLAVERE THALAMAS

Geographic coverage of the policy: worldwide, excluding risks arising from permanent establishments outside France, the Principality of Monaco or the Valleys of Andorra.

Numéro ORIAS : 20000908






Article 1: General

Placing an order implies acceptance by the person (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”) of these special terms and conditions of distance selling as well as the GTCU, which can be downloaded from (the GTCU contain additional pre-contractual information).


If a provision were to be missing, it would be considered to be governed by the practices in force in the distance selling sector for companies having their head office in France.

These conditions supplement the “General Conditions of Sale and Use” of the packages displayed in all points of sale, posted online on the website and/or attached to the order form.


The characteristics of the different packages offered for sale (geographical area, validity period, etc.) are presented in the price list which can be viewed at points of sale and/or from the aforementioned website. Contractual information is presented in French. These conditions apply exclusively to non-trading individuals.


Article 2: Order conditions

For online sales:

The order can only be registered on the website or the application if the Customer has clearly identified himself:

  • Either by entering their access code (login + password) which is strictly personal to them.
  • Either by completing the online form allowing them to obtain their access code by creating their account.

To finalize the order, the Customer must accept these conditions as well as the General Conditions of Sale and Use of the packages. Conformément à l’article 1369-5 du Code civil : Le Client a la possibilité de vérifier le détail de sa commande et son prix total, et de corriger d’éventuelles erreurs, avant de confirmer celle-ci pour exprimer son acceptation. L’Exploitant confirmera au Client sa commande par un courriel.


Complete online orders (payments, photographs and supporting documents where applicable provided) must be concluded on the website at the latest:

  • For a first order: Same day
  • For recharging: 3 minutes before going to the ski lifts subject to the proper functioning of the internet network.

Any order constitutes acceptance of the description of services and prices.


For seasonal top-ups, choose to reuse your old season card. A period of 24 hours for validation of the information by our services is necessary. In all cases the photo is obligatory.


Anglais Article 3: Online reloading (hands-free ticketing)

The transport ticket issued on a hands-free device can be recharged depending on the products offered by the Operator on the website and the application:

Payment is made by credit card only..

An acknowledgment of receipt of the order is sent by e-mail to the Customer, which must be kept by the latter, particularly in the event of an inspection when using the ski lifts.

The ticket will be reloaded automatically after finalizing the purchase if the skicard number has been entered or after reloading the skicard via the NFC of a mobile phone.


Article 4: Prices and payment terms

This is an order with an obligation to pay. The prices indicated are inclusive of VAT in euros taking into account the VAT rate in force on the day of the order. Anglais The price of the order is due when ordering and payments must be made in euros by credit card.


It is specified that payment by credit card is secure via PAYZEN, which guarantees the confidentiality of payments. Payment is made by virtual POS with immediate payment

At no time does the Operator have knowledge of the numbers that the Customer must provide. The Operator is only informed by the banking establishment that a transfer corresponding to the amount of this order has been made to his account.


Article 5: Confirmation of the order

Orders with payment by credit card and confirmed will be those approved by the banking organization.

Refusal of authorization to debit the Customer’s bank account by his bank therefore results in the cancellation of the order process, which will be notified to the Customer.

Once the order has been concluded on and confirmed by the Customer, the Operator acknowledges receipt of this order by an email addressed to the buyer in his electronic mailbox, which mentions:

  • The order number,
  • The buyer’s email,
  • Details of the order: domain / validity period / product type / price.


Article 6: Delivery of the order

The Customer has the choice:

  • Either to collect their packages or media from all the Operator’s points of sale chosen by the Customer, taking into account the dates and opening times of these points of sale. A copy of the order confirmation email on paper or by telephone will then be required by the Operator as well as the presentation of a valid official ID document. Otherwise, the packages ordered cannot be delivered. The order will then be delivered to the Customer, subject to the latter signing a receipt. (Except for online recharging).
  • Either collect your ski passes (excluding season ski passes) using the order confirmation email on paper or by telephone, at all the resort cash desks.


Article 7: No right of withdrawal

In accordance with article L. 221-2, 9° of the Consumer Code, the sale of Securities is not subject to the application of the right of withdrawal provided for in articles L. 221-18 et seq. of the Consumer Code. consumption in terms of distance selling. On the other hand, the sale of insurance products remains subject to the provisions relating to the right of waiver in the event of multiple insurances provided for by the Insurance Code, and the terms of which appear in the General Insurance Conditions available online.

Article 8: Liability and guarantees

The Operator will only be held to an obligation of means for all stages of access to online sales. The Operator cannot be held liable for any inconveniences or damages inherent in the use of the Internet network, in particular a break in service, an external intrusion or the presence of computer viruses and generally for any other fact. expressly qualify by case law as a case of force majeure. The Customer declares to know the characteristics and limits of the Internet, in particular its technical performance, response times for consulting, querying or transferring data and the risks linked to communications security.


Anglais Article 9: Methods of proof

The online provision of the bank card number and, in general, the final confirmation of the order by the Customer constitutes proof of the entire transaction in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 2000-230 of March 13, 2000 as well as of the due date of the payment.

This confirmation constitutes signature and express acceptance of all operations carried out on the online sales module.


The Customer must keep the order email, only this document being authentic in the event of a dispute over the terms of the order, in particular during a check on the ski lifts.

The information relating to the validity of the transport ticket and recorded on the support has no contractual value.


Article 10: Protection of personal data

All banking data requested from the Customer when placing an order is protected by an encryption process. The processing of personal data resulting from sales on this website has been regularly declared to the CNIL.

The information that Customers communicate on the site allows the Operator to process and execute orders placed on the site.


In accordance with article 32 of the Data Protection Act, the Operator informs the Customer about the use made of this data, in particular about the possibility of sending them commercial offers.

As part of the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the General Terms and Conditions for the sale of Lift Passes have been updated in accordance with the new European directives on confidentiality. The Customer is informed and accepts that when purchasing a Ticket, the Operator stores, processes, records and uses the Customer’s personal data in compliance with the regulations applicable to personal data, in particular the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 amended by Law No. 2018-493 of June 20, 2018 relating to the protection of personal data resulting from the European General Regulation on the protection of Personal Data.

The collection and processing of this data (such as: postal address, e-mail address, date of birth, telephone number, photo, etc. without this being exhaustive) is necessary for the purposes of execution of the contract, management of the Customer relationship and improvement of the services offered and have as their legal basis the execution of the contract. Each form indicates whether personal data is mandatory. If one or more compulsory items of information are missing, the Card will not be issued.

Unless the Customer objects, the personal data thus collected may also be used for commercial prospecting purposes electronically, by the Operator, for products and services similar to those covered by the contract. Subject to having obtained the prior and express agreement of the Client, the necessary data may also be used for commercial prospecting purposes and/or information on the activity of the resort electronically by communication@hg-montagne .com, partner of the Operator. The legal basis for processing will then be the Customer’s consent, which may be withdrawn at any time.

The Customer acknowledges and accepts that data relating to his/her movements on the ski runs may also be collected for the purposes of managing access to ski lifts, checking Tickets and, where applicable, searching for missing persons. In this case, the legal basis for the processing is, depending on the case, the execution of the contract, the legitimate interest of the Operator and the vital interest of the person.

The data collected may be used for statistical purposes, after being anonymized. This information is strictly confidential and is only intended for the competent departments of the Operator (in particular the ticketing department, the accounting department, the marketing and communications department, the reception and control department, Management).

Consequently, they are not transmitted to any third party, excluding the Operator’s subcontractors, for exclusively technical reasons or in the event that this communication is required by law, a regulatory provision or a judicial decision. In order to preserve the confidentiality and security of personal data and in particular to protect them against unlawful or accidental destruction, accidental loss or alteration, or unauthorized disclosure or access, the Operator takes technical and appropriate organizational arrangements, in accordance with applicable legal provisions. To this end, it has put in place technical measures (such as firewalls) and organisational measures (such as an ID/password system, physical protection, etc.). The data collected in this way is kept for a maximum of 5 years from the end of the validity of the Card. Customers have the right to access, rectify, delete and port their data, the right to limit processing, the right to object to processing, the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority and the right to give instructions on what to do with their data after their death. He can exercise his rights by writing to the following address: Régie des stations Haute Garonne Montagne, 76 Avenue Jean Jaurès, 31110 BAGNERES DE LUCHON.


For the sake of confidentiality and protection of personal data, the Operator must be able to verify the identity of the Customer in order to respond to their request. To do this, the Customer must attach, in support of any request to exercise the rights mentioned above, a photocopy of an identity document mentioning his date and place of birth and bearing his signature, in accordance with to the provisions of law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 known as the “Informatics and Liberties Law”, article 92 of the decree of October 20, 2005 taken for the application of this law, and European regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data. The Customer is informed of the existence of the “Bloctel” telephone canvassing opposition list, on which he can register here:

The Operator has appointed a Data Protection Officer whose contact details are as follows: or

Finally, the Customer has the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL if they feel that their rights have not been respected. The CNIL’s contact details are as follows: Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés, 3 place de Fontenoy, TSA 80715, 75334 Paris Cedex 07, France – Tel. : +33 (0)1 53 73 22 22 – Fax: +33 (0)1 53 73 22 00 – Website:


Article 11: Archiving

Archiving of orders is carried out by the Operator’s sales department in accordance with article L134-2 of the Consumer Code. Under these conditions, the Customer can access their archived order by making a written request to said service at the above-mentioned address.


Article 12: Dispute resolution

Complaints and suggestions can be made within 1 month from the end of the validity of the package: in writing to the headquarters of the Operator Régie des stations de Haute Garonne – 76 Avenue Jean Jaurès, 31110 LUCHON.

or by email

In the absence of a satisfactory response, the consumer has the possibility of contacting the Tourism and Travel Mediator whose contact details and referral procedures can be obtained by consulting his website:

The mediator’s opinion is not binding on the parties to the contract. In the absence of an amicable settlement, the dispute may be brought before the competent courts.

In the event that these special conditions are established in several languages, it is expressly understood that the French version of these special conditions is the only one to be authentic.

Consequently and in the event of difficulty in interpreting/applying any of the provisions of these special conditions, reference should be made expressly and exclusively to the French version.

These special conditions are subject, both for their interpretation and for their implementation, to French law.

In accordance with the provisions of article L.211-3 of the Consumer Code, in the event of the occurrence of a dispute relating to the validity, interpretation or execution of these conditions, the Customer may resort to a procedure free of charge. conventional mediation or any other alternative method of dispute resolution.

Any complaint must be sent under the conditions defined in article 7 of the General Conditions of Sale. In the absence of a satisfactory response or absence of a response within a minimum period of sixty (60) days following this written complaint (and within a maximum period of one (1) year following this written complaint), the Customer has the possibility of contacting the Tourism and Travel Mediator (MTV Médiation Tourisme Voyage, BP 80 303, 75 823 Paris Cedex 17) according to the terms set out on the website The opinion given by the Tourism and Travel Mediator is not binding on the parties to the contract.

Furthermore, in accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013, the European Commission has set up an Online Dispute Resolution platform, facilitating the independent out-of-court settlement of online disputes between consumers and professionals from the European Union. This platform is accessible at the following link:

In the absence of an amicable settlement, the Customer may seize either one of the territorially competent courts under the Code of Civil Procedure, or the court of the place where he resided at the time of the conclusion of the contract or the occurrence of the damaging event ( Article R. 631-3 of the Consumer Code).

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1 jour 35€
1 Jour Baby- 5 ans ou Sénior +70 ans 10€
3 heures 29€
2 jours flexibles non consécutifs (ou pas 😍) 66€
1 A/R Piéton 10.50€
1 A/R Piéton Baby- 5 ans ou Sénior +70 ans 5€
Saison Superbagnères + Mourtis + Bourg d'Oueil 575€
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Nouveauté : Tous nos forfaits sont non datés et non nominatifs (Hors FF saison)

Le Mourtis
1 jour 29€
1 jour Baby -5 ans ou Sénior +70 ans 10€
2 jours flexibles non consécutifs (ou pas 😍) 55.50€
Saison Mourtis 300€
Saison Superbagnères + Mourtis + Bourg d'Oueil 575€
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